Invited Talks(招待講演/英語)
Wagai, R. “Co-Localization of Iron and Aluminum with Organic Matter” Advances in Our Understanding of Organo-Mineral Complexes: Mechanisms, Measurements and Models. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting. Nov. 12. 2019
Wagai, R. “Ecological, chemical, and physical nature of soil organic matter (PM Huang Prize Talk)” ISMOM 2019, Seville, Spain. June 28, 2019.
Wagai, R. “Stabilization of carbon and nitrogen in agricultural soils revealed by long-term field experiments in Japan” Climate Smart Agriculture, NARO-FFTC-MARCO symposium, Tsukuba, Japan. Sep 27-28, 2018
Wagai, R. “Mineral – Organic Matter Interaction: a key biogeochemical process to understand major carbon reservoir on earth surface” The 4th International Conference of Geobiology. Wuhan, China. June 24-26. 2017
Wagai, R. “Studies on soil organic matter dynamics and organic-mineral aggregation towards land sustainability” Max-Schönleutner Award Talk, Technische Universität München (TUM), Freising, Germany. Aug 3. 2016
Wagai, R. “Soil aggregate structure and its implications for microbial ecology: location and quality of substrates for heterotrophs” R. Wagai. Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology annual meeting. Ibaraki, Japan. Oct 19. 2015
Wagai, R. “Organo-mineral associations at different hierarchical levels of soil aggregates: what do we get after physical fractionation?” R. Wagai. Keynote speaker at ISMOM 2015 – Joint meeting of Commission 2.5 of the International Union of Soil Science, Canadian Society of Soil Science, and Association québécoise des spécialistes en sciences du sol. McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. July 5-10. 2015
Wagai, R. “Complexity in organo-mineral associations within bulk soils: can we sort it out?” R. Wagai. Symposium on organic matter storage and turnover in subsoils. April 28-May 1. Raesfeld Castle, Germany. April 29-May 1. 2015
Wagai, R. “Association of soil organic matter with metal phases examined by selective dissolution approach: limitations and advantages” R. Wagai and L.M. Mayer. AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, USA. December 15-19. 2014